Volunteer | Donate | Sponsor | Advertise | Join PTSO (Auditions)
Contributions from individuals and businesses are all necessary to present performances by our outstanding orchestra. By supporting with your donations, you help sustain the exceptional quality of symphonic music in our community. You will enjoy many benefits from your tax-deductible contributions to Port Townsend Symphony Orchestra, and know you have contributed to the vitality of the orchestra and the rich cultural life of our community. Your support makes a difference!
Thank you for your support.
Contributions to the Port Townsend Community Orchestra, a 501(c)(3) organization, are tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law. Donations $30 and above will be acknowledged in our concert programs. If you would like to discuss your contribution, you may contact the orchestra president: admin@PTSymphony.org. Your donations help PTSO to:
* Compensate our conductor.
* Purchase and rent the music we play.
* Rent space for rehearsals and performances.
* Pay for insurance and licenses.
* Send mailings to announce our concerts.
* Produce and print programs and postcards.
* Pay modest stipends to our guest performers.

Here’s how you can support PTSO.
Your credit card donation will be securely transferred via PayPal. You may also set up a monthly donation with PayPal.
Make your check payable to Port Townsend Symphony Orchestra (PTSO), and mail to: PTSO, PO Box 1703, Port Townsend WA, 98368-0159.
MAKE MONTHLY DONATIONS with your bank’s bill payment option or with PayPal.